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The Ways of Nomadic Mongols

  Part 1: Environment & Human Adaptations No. 1 Environment a.)   The Mongols are split between various regions. The majority of Mongols live within the Mongolian Plateau which is divided by the Gobi desert from a political and geographical standpoint. The Plateau is split between two, being Inner Mongolia and Mongolia. There are a few Mongols, however, who live in Russia. b.) There is very dry climate on the plateau and has about 8 inches of rain annually and since the plateau stretches over a wide span of land, with various altitudes, the temperature also varies depending on the location. The capital of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar which sits at an altitude of 4,250 ft above sea level. Because of the elevation, Spring arrives later than it does to other places and the Summer time is pretty warm but cloudy with rainfall. Ulaanbaatar is known to be the coldest capital of the world so during Winter time, the temperature can drop from 23 degrees fahrenheit to -20 degrees fahrenheit. The

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